Thursday, February 25, 2010

AND FINALLY! ....drawings of the floor plan! Please let me know what you think, if the layout could be better and so forth. I have kept the work bench under the window, for ventilation and also light. Opposite is a bench to be built, as shown in the diagram below. The work area is one end of the shed, and the other end is a designing and display area. (or clean space). You can see the display cabinet in front of the doors as you walk through the front door, and storage is next the the work bench using the existing shelves.

The image above is the work bench, which will house said sink, book press, (for imprinting metal) a drill press, and a grinder motor. I have not purchased a grinder motor yet, but will probably make a vaccum cleaner ventilation system. (see Tim Macreight)

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